Whatever winter amnesia I conveyed a couple weeks ago thanks to moderate weather and the golden sun hitting a construction site to render it a romantic, makeshift movie set is now a distant memory. More recently, it has felt like the ruthlessness of winter has come in with a sledgehammer to chip away at whatever human spirit any of us have been able to retain through the constant stop and start of performance anxiety-ridden snow storms.
These flurries are legitimate enough to warrant the wearing of bad boots, but so hollow, too, that the magic you get from a real snowdown is still but a mere pipe dream that I, for one, am ready to put to rest. Because in the end, we’re left with insidiously icy streets, rosy cheeks and this string of days that has been folding into itself, piling up like dirty dishes in a sink — the universal acknowledgment that “I give up.”
I don’t actually give up. I may have hit a wall, but there are 3 things that have helped sustain a flicker of life force:
a daily run no matter the weather. I am talking 7 degrees F and snow on the ground and I am still out there. I never run more than 2 miles and think that’s why I can push myself out. It’s actually kind of emotional, and life-affirming to witness how many other people make the same commitment. When you’re out there with snow on the ground and just know the people ahead and behind you don’t feel their fingers either, the fight for human will is almost palpable, you can feel it as you cross each other. It makes me want to keep going.
keeping my apartment clean. Re: those piling up dishes!!! The only time I don’t want my interior life to match my exterior life is when I feel like I’m melting into a toilet bowl. So it’s nice, you know, that when I’m slouched over and saaaaaaaad, the pillows on my couch are perky as fuq and my kitchen has perfect posture.
getting dressed.
Me + Em sweater styled with this shoulder pad tee under it, Amir Taghi pants (altered the shit out of them to get them like this; if you need a good tailor in NYC I have the best rec c/o Becky M.!!!), Khaite ‘Apollo’ boots (if you’re considering them but studless, I’d go for the white, or the wedge ones are on sale…) Probably for the same reason as the apartment item. Melty insides, upright outsides. It’s a small bit of something I can do that reinforces the idea that when you look good (eye of beholder), you feel good, and then in some ways, you are good. Or at least you are better. So here are a few outfit ideas for the next week. Starting with something you can wear to work —
What to wear out
No, you know what, actually, I’m going to start with the outfits you can wear to dinner or to dance or to whatever you’re doing to relieve yourself of the winter doldrums at peak night because it’s Friday. But also: these were the most fun outfits to make. So here’s what to wear to get flirty with friends:

The basic premise of which does not ask that you overextend yourself beyond the confines of what is reasonable (an all-black ensemble, employing the simplest black tube top you can imagine with a long black skirt that doesn’t cover your ankles) but does make the suggestion that you try something new, be it a lurex knit cap or

The doubling-up-on of belts, or both! Another option for the same scenario:

They all feel a little art gallerist to me (this was more true when I had these shoes paired with the above), with the difference being that the first girl seems to have the richest sex life.
I swear this has been on my mind a lot lately — how so much of the style that is unfolding these days points towards an inner life that seizes its sexuality with more confidence and expanse. The obvious arbiters in the trend conversation of this aesthetic include Saint Laurent and Magda Butrym, though their expression is very visual whereas what I’m picking up feels far more interpersonal. It’s subtle and layered and about the woman who wears the clothes as opposed to the clothes themselves.

It comes out in the unexpected exposure of an entire midriff that holds a secret and catches you off guard, then brings you in with a whimsical cape.
Or alternatively, could look like an upper that commands the whole of one’s body language —

There are tons of ways to etch it out and it rides on one garments ability to have a conversation with the one it is tucked into or slung over.
Now that I’m thinking about it, I think this is precisely what has drawn me to the brand (owned by my friend), Aflalo.
On the surface, these clothes look like they’re of the same ilk as Toteme/The Row but once you’re with them and in them, it’s hard to deny that the girl who wears them — she has good sex. Whether literally or figuratively is irrelevant right now but there is an underlying yearning that calls to mind the sexual revolution of the 70s (no doubt a response to the 60s) that seems to mirror where we are at culturally.
I have to break this one down more thoroughly, but in the interest of this post; let’s parking lot as we move on to —
What to wear to work

A play on color more than anything else here, with the camel blazer and blue shirt inviting the red leather belt into the fold as the three create a trifecta that is pleasing to the eye. I have the look styled with a pair of suede chelsea boots (genuinely considering these an their heftier alt) and these black pants from Argent, which I cannot recommend enough. The shape is ideal for a straighter leg, but still so feminine and applicable in many circumstances. Case in point:

This outfit, employing the same pants and a tuxedo blazer from the brand. It is also work adjacent, although maybe you’d wear it to like, a corporate dinner at The Grill. I paired it with heavy brogues in the style of Kallmeyer’s most recent show and you can’t see the red tassel at the end of my necklace but they’re the touch of femininity, right along with the earrings (lab grown diamonds). Onwards!
What to wear during the day (when you don’t work in an office)

Here is something I recently wore to have lunch with my friend Sophia at neighborhood restaurant on 83rd street called Mykonian House. I live only 5-blocks from there, and on that day, the temperature hit 38F, which made wearing sandals feel more possible. The hardware on the shoes added a nice degree of texture to the overall look. The shape is also ideal with a pair of pants — just wide enough to sustain proper proportion, but refined, too.

They do something nice with the bag, no? If you’re going to throw your arms up and give a chance to sandals when it feels least possible, another way I’d do it is like this:

The formula is basically the same. There’s hardware on the sandies, and they’re married to a pair of jeans —

My personal feeling is that jeans suck with closed toe shoes, but that they are so gangbusters-good with sandals, like there is no better pant for a refined sandal, so to the extent that I can jam in a pair, I will.
But let me rescind my initial point because there are some closed toe shoes that work with jeans. I wore the pictured Ref ones out a few nights ago, not with sandals but boots that are basically suede socks:

And felt pretty great. Comfortable, warm, a little whimsical c/o scarf, weird c/o sunglasses and has-good-sex c/o low rise waist line and silk top combo.
Some more garnish from the first one for good measure —

What to wear on the weekend
Two thoughts as it relates to dressing for this occasion:
your style changes when you have kids. At first this happens for practical reasons because you spend a lot more time on the floor and bending down and picking them up and absorbing drool etc, but it continues because as they get older, you get older too and if clothes really are an expression of who we believe ourselves to be in the broader world, the role of mother no doubt contributes to the etching up of this persona.
For me, there is a bit of rebelliousness in the way I convey my motherhood. I don’t want to fall into the no doubt dependable and extremely convenient uniform of straight leg jeans and down coat with a pair of suede shoe boots or sneakers.

Mostly because I know I lose myself when covered by an idea that doesn’t feel like it’s my own. This doesn’t mean my ideas are better, but it does mean that they’re mine and that gives me confidence, agency, a sense of fluidity that makes moving the world easier because it’s more honest.
But I also don’t want to evade the element of practicality w these clothes. Or the responsibility that comes with it. Maybe these sentiments are not visually obvious in the clothes, but they’re there. The broader look places a high level of respect on the role of mother.

But it also feels more original. So that’s what this one is about with its knit pants (fancy sweats, basically) and layers of white t-shirts (take ‘em off as they get dirty), made more exciting with the add of a shiny belt (the elevation!) and a shaggy coat (the key style expression).
I probably wouldn’t actually wear the blue leather flap bag though. I like how it catches the blue suede of the shoes but a tote like this is the more appropriate choice.
I forgot what the second point was…
One more weekend look from last week/for next week:

And a bonus round third look with the same turtleneck and a pair of sandals, no socks, perfect for when you are hosting at home and don’t have to think about weathering the damned elements:

Re the former look (w socks): spent a lot of time on the floor at my mom’s apartment in it, which was good in the stretchy pants. Used the pouch on the belt to store a credit card, regretted socks and sandals (was too cold out) but it did look subjectively right. Had to change before taking my baby out to run an errand, which actually brings me to the finale category of —
What to wear when you want to look put together but you’re mostly just going to be outside
A euphemism for when the coat is part of the outfit. Which also means what you’re wearing above the waist doesn’t really matter (pile on the sweaters, have at it).
Bottom half does still matter because, you know, them pants and shoes are going to creep out of your coat if its long —

And be the main event if its short:

You would not believe how warm this jacket is, or maybe you would, idk. It’s a vintage ski jacket by Bogner and the outer is ~ultrasuede.~ The sunglasses riff on the ski reference, hopefully making me look like I’m at the top of Ajax mountain!
Meanwhile here’s an oldie but cutie:

I guess this concept of the coat as part of the outfit keeps coming up because so much of my daily movement these days revolves around taking my baby for walks in her stroller and it feels so much better to actually be dressed. Like my energy is more open to the social possibility that I could run into a friend and it could become a full blown meetup — stopping for coffee or wine and talking about life when I didn’t expect to, as happened last week.

These spontaneous run-ins embody the magic of New York. This is what makes it desirable to live here at all.
It’s so important to remember that it’s not season agnostic, that it still has a place in the heart of the winter.
That winter even has a heart at all.
Have a good weekend,
Re NYC tailor rec 🙋🏼♀️me! I need one! I would be so grateful if you passed yours along.
A Dutch brand called Reyem makes those tube tops, too! :) https://www.reyem.shop/products/strapless-jersey-bandeau-top-black