This is a public post from How to wear, a franchise about how to get dressed that focuses on styling tips through outfit ideas. To see the last one, click here.
I’m kidding, this is not the answer but also like, not no, no?
It would seem that trends in fashion are finally, actually on the precipice of big change — that after years and years of wearing permutations of the same thing over and over, the tide is actually turning and as with every tide that turns, I suspect there will be an awkward in-between period where we won’t really know what we’re doing and will thus end up looking silly. It will be disorienting but also heartening because risks will get taken, mistakes will get made, we’ll fuck up and finally! Look like rough edges for a little while and right there — inside the rough edge — is always where the most inspiring style ideas come from.
So let us not miss this chance.
Let us also separate the trends one from the other.
Up today: the antidote to ankle boots. Adequate shin guards. A viable way to wear the skinny jeans haunting the back of your closet. Knee-high boots!
The most obvious way to wear them is with said skinny jeans. Give them another go around the block. Just this one time.

But maybe open your eyes a little wider. Onwards now to a baby risk employing the crux of your safety net, your current favorite jeans:

Big queen of England energy, no?
But let us not forget Di!

Try them with a dress you thought was only for summer:
Or another you thought was only for NYE:
(A slip dress works too.)

Skirts you haven’t worn in several moons

or corduroy pants bc you’re sick of jeans but not their vibe:

Khakis if actually, you *do* want to look like you’ve been near a horse:

A mini skirt!

Or long top-as-a-skirt-I-mean-dress-still-mini:

Cut offs — because you can dress a horse up like a zebra, but in the end, he’s still a horse.

And overalls —

Because overall, we should not forget that this is a period of trial and error! So feel free to fuck up.
Dad jokes forever,
OMG prob one of my favorite newsletters ever. Can I come live in your wardrobe!?
I'm late to this party but so glad to be here, because I feel like the coolest woman in the room just told me all her secrets. I'm about to pull my skinnies out of the closet and have a go. Thank you!