Letter of Rec #032: 11 good things
Slingback loafers, rosemary granola, pearls bigger than your earlobes and some thoughts on the matriarchy depicted through Triangle of Sadness. Welcome to cafe L!!!
Have you ever tried a pickled apricot? I asked my friend who makes food what would happen if we pickled a batch and the result was extraordinary. We’re going to sell them in a limited edition make-your-own-cafe-L box that will launch next month. I’ll tell you more as it gets closer but in the mean time…welcome back to current form
and Letter of Rec, a subscriber-only list of very good things, brought to you by Erev Shabbos, or the artist formerly known as Friday.
If you’re receiving this e-mail even though you’re not a paying subscriber, consider it a nudge! In addition to getting these e-mails, you’ll also be able to comment on posts (I recommend using this feature to ask for outfit/specific garment advice! It’s my pleasure to serve), and get an invitation to join us on Geneva, which is an app that is kind of like Discord or Slack, but with softer design and more emojis incorporated. We’re about 350 strong in there, and spend most of our time in the private rooms sending outfit pics (a safe space for mirror selfies!), talking each other into and out of various purchases (the big dilemma this week has been on a pair of orange Simon Miller clogs) and going deep on viral TikTok videos/staying shallow on deep movies (see: Triangle of Sadness). So, won’t you consider subscribing? You have nothing to lose! Except $5, but hopefully, you’ll see it as a gain.
Meanwhile, speaking of Triangle of Sadness, first on the docket for this LoR is: