Hello! It is Thursday, March 4th, 2021. How is your week going?
Mine is fine, but my brain feels like a football trying to touch down. I can’t even finish this metaphor because I’m not sure if the people who play football and make it a challenge for footballs to touch down are called quarterbacks or players or members of like, a receiving line (?) but basically, my brain is the football and everyone playing brought their A to this game so it is becoming clearer and clearer, that I, the football, will not be touching down today.
So here, instead of something long and dramatic, is an actual e-mail. Like, from me to you. Checking in. Asking what’s up and how you’re doing. I’ve been photo-documenting the life and times of a bouquet of tulips I bought last week. Do you want to see their progress?
The end!
Here’s also a passage (no. 9) from Alain de Botton’s On Love, which I’ve been re-reading at the suggestion of my friend Ruth:
It’s pretty great, but I’m also pretty aligned with most of Alain de Botton’s philosophy on how to live a meaningful life. Lately, I’m really interested in slipping into perspectives that are expressly different from my own. I heard this idea on the concept of tolerance in a podcast sometime recently that really enchanted me — suggesting that tolerance is not conceding that you agree with an opinion that you don’t agree with, or surrendering your perspective, or even changing it, but rather it’s building the resilience to try to understand a perspective that you still don’t agree with. To respect it and make space for it and allow for it to flourish in the same room in which yours does.
This is a complete non sequitur because the subject matter is naturally very interesting to me, but the next book I’ve ordered to read is bell hooks’ The Will to Change: Men, Masculinity, and Love. Have you read it? Maybe we should inaugurate an informal book club. Substack’s thread feature can probably facilitate pretty great conversation.
And in still another non sequitur, in case you’re wondering whether I have worn anything cool this week. The answer is, Well, that depends on what you think of this: