Aug 23, 2022Liked by Leandra Medine Cohen

Goosebumps reading last sentence. I live for those kind of sentences that give me a physical symptome of emotion.

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Aug 23, 2022Liked by Leandra Medine Cohen

Beautiful! Thank you

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Aug 23, 2022Liked by Leandra Medine Cohen

I read it this morning. I felt like it was me in the paragraph where you make breakfast and go through a process to calm down. A familiar process , your anchor. I did the same with my girls in india and Italy. They found their anchors and expanded themselves as well and growth happened!! Beautifully written . Thank you

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Aug 23, 2022Liked by Leandra Medine Cohen

You are “now” a certified captain of your boat. 🫶

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Aug 23, 2022Liked by Leandra Medine Cohen


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Aug 23, 2022Liked by Leandra Medine Cohen

i love this so much....

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Thank you for this Leandra. Your imagery of an anchor inside of myself is already giving me a deeper perspective on what i think of as my thick desires—and the anchors I have keeping my thin ones from rising to the surface.

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An absolute honor to see your name in the comments on here Luke. Was turned on to your writing on Anti Mimetic at some point late last spring and it has really helped to both reorient and reinforce some basic principles of mine. Also really liked your convo w Shane Parrish — when you said the happiest people like who they are, that stayed with me

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You’re my hero for finding a camp/childcare solution while traveling abroad. How did you do it? Would you mind sharing the name of the city or camp?

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We are in Ibiza. The farm school is called can Muson and crazily, we found it through Google

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Brilliant. Cue me frantically googling toddler summer camp Europe.

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This one is really great if you are so inclined to visit the Balearic Islands

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