Speechless. I needed this reminder today. Perfect timing. 🔮
Wanted to add, now that I am not so speechless, that what you describe in a soulmate as not being perfect sounds perfect to me. That is the point right? Like Daniela said below, a tetris game. They add what you need and vice versa. Not only in love, in every day life and how you grow together. Though that should feel easy. Sometimes we are waiting patiently knowing it will arrive on time. I have always said that I feel fulfilled in what I have experienced with my past relationships, good and bad. I find myself grateful to have learned so much from them and what they taught me. Though for some reason I feel a new one headed my way whether I like it or not. You are right, it can be frightening. This is such a beautiful way to describe the joys of being in love, being pushed to grow (like you said, in the most loving way), and the work of a relationship. How scary it can be to jump full in and trust someone else with your heart and life really. Also, the pain in perfectionism. Thank you! Will re-read again later. 💛
Would love to hear about your writing process, authors you admire and how you get all of your thoughts out ☺️. Is this the right place? Where am I? Im new here!
Welcome! Yes, you're in the right place -- this is the comments section. As far as writing process: it has changed a lot since I was running Man Repeller. Or maybe it hasn't, but its become more intentional. Back then, I think I would feel a thing and then spin it into a story, even before I'd had sufficient time to process wtvr I was feeling. Now it's more like, I find myself within some emotional cycle, start writing about what is going through my head and how it feels in my body, then I naturally begin socializing these thoughts with my friend groups (cereal aisle subscribers among them) until I land on some kind of resolution, but what I really mean is ending to the cycle. Sometimes this happens over like, a week, other times it can literally take months. The story above took one sitting to get out, but then this one https://leandramcohen.substack.com/p/i-had-no-idea-how-much-being-a-mother , for example, was in progress for about 4 months before it became anything. This one took like 6 weeks of stewing https://leandramcohen.substack.com/p/080922-finding-home .
Speechless. I needed this reminder today. Perfect timing. 🔮
Wanted to add, now that I am not so speechless, that what you describe in a soulmate as not being perfect sounds perfect to me. That is the point right? Like Daniela said below, a tetris game. They add what you need and vice versa. Not only in love, in every day life and how you grow together. Though that should feel easy. Sometimes we are waiting patiently knowing it will arrive on time. I have always said that I feel fulfilled in what I have experienced with my past relationships, good and bad. I find myself grateful to have learned so much from them and what they taught me. Though for some reason I feel a new one headed my way whether I like it or not. You are right, it can be frightening. This is such a beautiful way to describe the joys of being in love, being pushed to grow (like you said, in the most loving way), and the work of a relationship. How scary it can be to jump full in and trust someone else with your heart and life really. Also, the pain in perfectionism. Thank you! Will re-read again later. 💛
Would love to hear about your writing process, authors you admire and how you get all of your thoughts out ☺️. Is this the right place? Where am I? Im new here!
Welcome! Yes, you're in the right place -- this is the comments section. As far as writing process: it has changed a lot since I was running Man Repeller. Or maybe it hasn't, but its become more intentional. Back then, I think I would feel a thing and then spin it into a story, even before I'd had sufficient time to process wtvr I was feeling. Now it's more like, I find myself within some emotional cycle, start writing about what is going through my head and how it feels in my body, then I naturally begin socializing these thoughts with my friend groups (cereal aisle subscribers among them) until I land on some kind of resolution, but what I really mean is ending to the cycle. Sometimes this happens over like, a week, other times it can literally take months. The story above took one sitting to get out, but then this one https://leandramcohen.substack.com/p/i-had-no-idea-how-much-being-a-mother , for example, was in progress for about 4 months before it became anything. This one took like 6 weeks of stewing https://leandramcohen.substack.com/p/080922-finding-home .
Thank you.