Enjoyed the mom digression as I read this with a sleeping 5 month old on my shoulder whilst also scrolling trr are you spying on me?

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Omg! “If you give a mouse a cookie...”

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Such a fun ride :) Just wondering what your experience is in terms of sizing and measurements on TRR. I love browsing for fun, but live abroad so returning is not easy, and feel that I only dare to buy if I know the brand and their sizing, because the measurements often seem so far off, whereas they could be so helpful if they weren't.

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Inside the head of LMC

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This is perfect, thank you! A perfect narration of time, scrolling and searching TheRealReal.

Also, those platform shoes. 😍 I recently went through some doubt about impulse buying multiple daisy hairclips and bobby pins. Now that I am fantasizing about the daisy platform shoes I know that this is who I am now. A person who likes daisies on things.

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That magical experience that is daydream shopping The Real Real put into words.

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This is so relatable. Glad to see I’m not the only person who shops this way.

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