Ahhh so many good lines in there. You’ve just struck many cords for me. My evergoing love -hate relationship with fashion. Trying to make it meaningful, purposeful but struggling to always see it that way. Giving you the feels of “ye it’ just stuff who really cares” but then it also singing tunes inside your body at the same time. Giving it thought but not too much thought. Needs to feel Effortless when you really dreamt of it last night in bed. Ya know?!! Feel ya. Love the conversation

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I’m appreciating another inspiring and thought-provoking article. When considering my love of fashion and the awareness-level-event, and also joy that dressing can be for me, I have to confront my shopping habits. Aside from the substantial monetary binge, and the fact I have too much and need no more, I become more in tune daily with the global considerations of my irresponsibility. I have been making every effort to revisit clothes I already possess. That being said, I’m addicted to shopping. So I have been shopping used and vintage-both luxury and not. …And also Etsy where I can support an individual artist if I want something new(but I’m really trying to limit “new” purchases. While not ideal, it is better. Baby steps

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Love this! I want to order the cropped fringe collarless jacket you reco. How do you style cropped collarless jackets for winter? Thanks

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Loved this post. So many thoughts going on right now I can’t even think of a coherent sentence. I loved the post because it spoke to me

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"No jeans, no leggings. Just comfort". Perfect ans so true !

"It’s a good thing I don’t write slogans". You should write slogans !!!

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