FAB looks! How are the soles of the Toteme boot (asking for a friend....)? Grippy enough? And how have you kept the shedding of the toteme mohair sweater at bay!!!!
Haven't had a slippy slidey incident with the boots yet but I also haven't worn them in the snow. (and don't plan to!) -- and do you have that issue w the sweater? I find that it doesn't shed at all. But maybe I'm also pairing it over lots of base layer wooly things so game repels game?
Infinite Loop of Visual Visions 💥
So many ideas, thank you!
I bought the Row boots! I hope they fit 🫢🥹
Which onessssdsssss
The black town boots are coming tomorrow! Been eyeing on them since you have been wearing them. Hopefully it’s my size 🤞🏼
Oh nice! They are so comfortable. I think you will (and hope you got them on super sale)
it’s the inside out skirt for me, a double-your-wardrobe-instantly trick I forgot I had at my disposal
Have to give credit to Maria’s stylist for that one actually. She showed me a sneak peek from a forthcoming lookbook and it cracked my brain ipen
Leandra! You were wearing a black patent skirt in your stories last week (with red v neck)- where is that amazing skirt from???
Hi! Think you’re talking about the Courreges skirt https://poshmark.com/listing/Black-Courreges-skirt-brand-new-never-worn-tags-still-attached-635d44f892e4910e1fa4650b?utm_source=gdm&utm_campaign=16776626338&campaign_id=16776626338&ad_partner=google&gskid=pla-1895116452417&gcid=591247739186&ggid=135191607796&gdid=m&g_network=g&enable_guest_buy_flow=true&gbraid=0AAAAADwcDC9HCXZxA_frW_nIRMB3ZHzp-&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIgqi-ltLU_AIV5jizAB32mAU9EAQYDSABEgKtbPD_BwE
FAB looks! How are the soles of the Toteme boot (asking for a friend....)? Grippy enough? And how have you kept the shedding of the toteme mohair sweater at bay!!!!
Haven't had a slippy slidey incident with the boots yet but I also haven't worn them in the snow. (and don't plan to!) -- and do you have that issue w the sweater? I find that it doesn't shed at all. But maybe I'm also pairing it over lots of base layer wooly things so game repels game?