Since I moved to Texas in the beginning of the summer I’m accepting that fall dressing may not happen for a while, so I’ve deliberately not looked at any of the offerings. But this….this could definitely be something to play with!

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You're on a roll! What an eclectic gift for the senses!! Once again, I can't wear any (most) of it, but the combinations are just magical! Thank you again for your work, as always it's a joy to see you hit the inbox.

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What a pleasure to read. I got little butterflies in my chest for pre-fall post-summer dressing that only your POV can do. 👑👏🏼

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Hiii. Can you do an edit/give tips on what it’s like to dress for fall when it’s still 95 degrees? I live in the southwest and I don’t see trenchcoats in my future until November.

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You’re ready for the spirit of fall but have to figure out how to do it in heat. I get that! What about tube tops and cargos and loafers! Or lightweight (but fall color) pants with sandals?

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I do love that tube top you posted!!

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Thinking about this again, I really think the Alex mill cargo pants could be worth it for you. They’re very lightweight!

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Question about the red string necklace that you wear with the Year of the Flood Chai (which I now own in the small and love!) Where is the red string from? Thanks!

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The one in this picture is a red bungee cord hut the ones I usually wear are red silk string I bought from Etsy. Lemme pull up link for you

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Loving every look Leandra! I think about that Tory Burch coat all year long! The fun that you have with dressing is infectious! As a clog lover, are the Chloe clogs easy to wear? I love the cut but, worry that they will sit in my closet due to their walkability.

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How far a distance are we talking? I’m

Finding them

Comfortable but haven’t traveled further than like ten blocks by foot in them. The one thing I’ll say is that they don’t work with jeans. Something about that

Combo reads dated not fresh so it’s really about suit-y trousers and silks and poplin with them, which is great if you wear that often but if you’re more of a jeans person would


Sit them out!

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